Monday 18 February 2013

What is the best home gym equipment for fitness results?

Let us settle the score: Should you buy a rower or an exercise bike?

There is no doubt that getting your own piece of home gym equipment is a great way to go. You will be able to exercise more often, not have to worry about outside weather or dodging traffic on the way to the gym and over time, you will also save money vs paying for an expensive gym membership.

But how do you know which piece of home gym equipment to go for?

Should you get an expensive treadmill, and exercise bike or a rowing machine?

My advice is to go for either a spin bike or a rowing machine:

Where the spin bike is better:

  • Spin bikes are very easy to use and everyone can ride a bike so there is no difficulty or wasted time having to learn the technique.
  • Spin bikes are space-efficient compare to rowers. They take up less than 1 meter of space compared to a full-length rower that takes up to 2.12 meters of space.
  • The whole family can use them
Example of one of the best selling home exercise bikes, the Bladez Fitness spin bike...

Where the rowing machine is better:

  • Rowers burn more calories. Bike riding is actually one of the least-effective ways to burn calories exercising whereas using a rowing machine is up there with running for the top calorie-burning exercise option.
  • Some can be folded up for storage, so although spin bikes take up less space when in use, rowers are easier to store away.
  • All-over-body workout. You will get a great workout for your legs, arms, back and abdominal muscles. A spin bike basically uses your legs and that is it.
The V-Fit Tornado is one of the best selling pieces of home gym equipment in the UK...

Overall, both of the pieces of equipment offer both cheap and high-price options, both have a range of manufacturers to choose from, both can be purchased online at a discount and both will help you to achieve your fitness goals. Your challenge, is to choose the best option and then head on over the an online retailer or local store and make the purchase that can change your life for the better.

Good luck with your home exercise program!